Tips for Keeping Your Home Renovation News Year’s Resolutions

Your home is likely one of the most significant purchases you will make, so it should be a place that you and your family are happy in. Especially right now, we are spending most of our time in our homes, so why wait to create the dream home you have always wanted? If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start that home renovation you’ve always talked about but keep putting off, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for.

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Decluttering After the Holidays

The holidays have come and gone, and another year has passed (though we can probably all agree that we are pleased to see 2020 behind us). Now that we are into the New Year, it is a great time to reevaluate what you have in your home. At Sencillo, we are big advocates for simplifying your home and your life so that you can focus on what matters most.

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When to Refresh and When to Renovate

Is there something about your home that could use an upgrade? Perhaps a room with a poor layout, or a space that just isn’t working for you anymore? If you are unhappy with some aspects of your home, it’s time to stop contemplating the change and to take the plunge. But will a simple refresh solve your woes, or do you need to embark on a complete renovation?

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How To Keep Your Stress Under Control when Renovating Your Home

o, you’ve decided to undergo a renovation project in your home? Congratulations! You have taken the next step to achieve the home of your dreams. While this is an exciting time, renovations can also be a very stressful endeavour. However, while you can’t control everything, there are steps that you can take to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

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Simplify Your Life with these Organizing Hacks for Your Small Spaces

What is one of the biggest sources of stress in your home? We are willing to bet organization or a lack of space are high on that list. In a perfect world, our homes should be our sanctuary and a place to seek refuge from the stressors of our life. But, if you are coming home to a cluttered house, relaxing is a near-impossible task.

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Keeping Your Renovation Project Progressing in the “New Normal”

After all of these months being stuck at home, we are sure many of you have started to notice the things around you that could use some sprucing up. If you are in the planning stages now that our economy is re-launching, or are already halfway through tearing your kitchen out, the restrictions to businesses likely had and continue to affect your project. However, no matter what stage of re-launch our economy is in, it does not mean you cannot keep progressing towards your dream home.

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Simplify Your Life and Home with These 4 Easy Steps

What does simplicity mean to you? To us, it means focusing on what really matters most to you, your family, and your happiness. We want to help simplify your life and make it easier to manage with all of life’s ups and downs. It’s all about incorporating more of what you love, and less of what you don’t. That goes for the clutter in your home, the load on your mind and the stress in your life!

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