Your home is likely one of the most significant purchases you will make, so it should be a place that you and your family are happy in. Especially right now, we are spending most of our time in our homes, so why wait to create the dream home you have always wanted? If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start that home renovation you’ve always talked about but keep putting off, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for.
Read moreDecluttering After the Holidays
The holidays have come and gone, and another year has passed (though we can probably all agree that we are pleased to see 2020 behind us). Now that we are into the New Year, it is a great time to reevaluate what you have in your home. At Sencillo, we are big advocates for simplifying your home and your life so that you can focus on what matters most.
Read more4 Ways to Make Your Bedroom a Stress-Free Sanctuary
Photo by Pexels/Burst
Tranquil, serene, cozy and relaxing. All words that should describe your bedroom. When everything else in your life turns to chaos, your home should be your happy place and your safe zone, and your bedroom should be your sanctuary away from all of life’s stressors.
Read moreImprove your Productivity with these Easy Office Space Updates
Photo by Unsplash/Spencer Selover
Is your home office just not cutting it for you anymore? If you spend most of your workday at home, it is vital that you dedicate a space in your house separate from the couch (which is associated with leisure) to maximize your productivity levels and encourage creativity. Home offices grant you the freedom to produce the perfect work environment for yourself, so take advantage of this and enhance your space!
Read morePreparing Your Home Before Company Comes Over
Photo by Unsplash/Jill Dimond
Your home is your sanctuary, and the place you feel most comfortable. However, you may be stressed about opening your home to guests or that special someone. While guests don’t expect a sterile home (which is uncomfortable for you and them), it feels good to have a clean and organized space that you are proud to show off.
Read more5 Tips for Tackling the Clutter in the New Year
With the New Year comes new opportunities! Some may resolve to be healthier or spend more time with family, but what about the resolution for your home? Give your home some ease of function and treat yourself to mental and physical wellbeing without having to go to the gym! At Sencillo Cabinets, we believe in starting the New Year with a freshly decluttered home.
Read more3 New Year's Resolutions for Your Home
Every year, we come up with resolutions for our personal lives, but what goals do we set for our homes?
As we welcome the New Year and a new decade, we've come up with three resolutions that will make your home more appealing, functional, and organized in the coming year.
Read moreDecluttering Your Home: What To Do With Stuff Your Decluttering
If you're unsure about what to do with your pre-loved items, step away from the garbage can! Here are four ways to get rid of clutter.
Read moreTips For Simplifying Your Fall/Winter Wardrobe
Downsizing your wardrobe will not only get rid of the clutter in your bedroom, but it will also make your morning routine a breeze! Here are 6 ways to get started.
Read more5 Creative Ways to Declutter Your Home
Photo by Unsplash
Here are five creative ways that can put some fun into the process of decluttering, while clearing out and simplifying your home.
Read moreFall Home Decluttering Checklist
With back-to-school well underway, we encourage you to use this time to downsize, reduce, and organize so you and your family can enjoy the space as it was intended and start the school year off with a clear focus. A clean home with minimal clutter helps to improve your sleeping habits, lower your overall stress, and allows you to be more present and connected with those around you.
It can be a daunting task, but we recommend taking it one room at a time. Here are a few tips to get you started!
Read moreStress-Free Downsizing: Reduce Space and Still Live Large
Have you recently become an empty nester? When the kids leave the house it can be hard to deal with, especially with so much newfound space! Hallways may seem quiet, areas of the house may no longer be used, and their rooms become a space that harbours clutter and unwanted clothes and knick-knacks. If this sounds like something similar to what you’re experiencing, it may be time to consider downsizing.
Here are a few creative ways to make a smaller space work for you and the needs of your family.
Read more5 Ways You Can Organize Your Kitchen Like Marie Kondo
Here are five methods (there are way more) that Marie Kondo recommends when it comes to tackling your kitchen and creating a space that is organized, functional, and a place that “sparks joy” amongst your home.
Read more5 Creative Ways to Declutter Your Home, Room by Room
Going through the motions of decluttering can often be daunting, and it’s one of those tasks that you’ll likely find any excuse to put off. That’s why we recommend taking it room-by-room, removing items that no longer serve a purpose and finding a place for all the things that do.
From built-in shelving to organizational boxes here are 5 different ways to declutter your home room-by-room.
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