Photo by Burst/Pexels
Life can take a heavy toll on our mind, and we can easily let stress rule our thoughts. At Sencillo, our brand is centered on simplifying your life and focusing on what really matters to you, your family and your wellbeing. We want to help you cut through the clutter that is weighing you down mentally.
Reducing your mental load is always important, but even more so now that we are spending more time at home. Our homes have quickly turned from our sanctuaries into our office, a daycare, a school, a gym, a fulltime diner and everything in between. The stress can quickly get out of hand, but it doesn’t have too.
Here are 5 tricks to instantly reduce your mental load at home:
Say ‘No’ More Often
Free yourself from the shackles of needing to do everything. We find ourselves driven by a need to accomplish many tasks in a day, but it is okay to spend a day, every so often, doing absolutely nothing. Ditch the guilt of not completing your tasks and instead indulge in a binge-athon of your favourite TV show, finish that puzzle, tear through a few books, and let your mind relax.
There is only so much time in a day, and often we neglect ourselves in order to complete a lengthy task list. Prioritize time spent with your family, and prioritize time spent on yourself. Feel free to be a little selfish! Remind yourself of what really matters to you and reflect on what makes you the happiest.
Order Your Dinner
If the thought of having to plan and make dinner every night causes you to have a mini-breakdown, splurge and treat yourself to a meal delivery service. There are plenty of options for companies that will deliver fresh groceries and recipes right to your door, and they are more affordable than you think. Or, order from your favourite local restaurants offering takeout and delivery.
Declutter Your Life
We don’t just mean declutter your closet, though that is important too. We also mean declutter your pantry, the files on your computer, the apps on your phone, your email inbox, and even declutter the thoughts in your head. Keeping a daily bullet journal, or writing down the list of your daily tasks, can do wonders to reduce your mental load.
Turn Off the Electronics
We know it can be hard to disconnect from technology, especially now that plenty of us are currently working from home and spending our days on our computers and our nights relaxing in front of the TV or playing on our phones. Set a curfew for your electronics each night and reconnect with your family instead. Turning off your electronics a few hours before bed has been proven to help you sleep better, and proven to reduce your stress levels.
If you let your stress levels get too high, it can have a significant adverse effect on your wellbeing, and it can affect the people around you as well. Take these steps to help instantly reduce your mental load and simplify your life.
If you are interested in bringing more simplicity to your life, give us a call today. We can help you integrate storage solutions and custom cabinets into your home that work for your lifestyle and will improve the workability of your home. Contact us today for a free online consultation.
Contact us today to get started!
P: (403) 255-8234