Photo by James McDonald/Unsplash
Whether you have been working from a home office for some time now, or if you have recently transitioned to start working from home, there are ways that you can improve your home office. These simple changes can increase your productivity, better your environment and preserve your sanity if you have to share a space with other members of your family.
Here are 5 tips for working from home without losing your sanity:
Create a Workspace
If you believe that the beauty of working from home is that you don’t have to climb out of bed, or even get dressed, then we are here to tell you that you are sabotaging your productivity! Make sure you create a space designated for work that is separate from the rooms you associate with relaxation. This includes the couch! This separate workspace will make it easier to focus on work and transition out of the work headspace when the workday is over.
Prioritize Organization
Keeping your workspace organized is key to maintaining your concentration. Whether you have a full home office or if the corner of your kitchen table is your desk, a messy space will draw your focus away from work more than you realize. Take a look at our other blog for some easy updates you can make to your space to improve your productivity.
Keep Your 9 to 5
Working from home doesn’t justify a need to work more hours. It is best to keep a consistent 9 to 5 schedule. Otherwise, you risk bleeding your work life into your home life. Set those boundaries for yourself and your family when working at home so that work time remains work time and family time is strictly time spent with your family or focusing on yourself and your wellbeing.
Take Breaks
If you are working from home with a spouse or children, interruptions are inevitable. We recommend designating break times into your workday for playtime so that when it comes time to get back to work, the demand for your attention has been satiated. This shouldn’t be too much of a change, as most of us don’t work 8 hours straight and often take short breaks around the office. Taking these breaks also increases your concentration and focus.
Talk to Your Colleagues
When you are at home, it can be easy to feel isolated from your team. If you are accustomed to meeting your colleagues around the water cooler, don’t forget to reach out digitally and facilitate conversation. Talking with a coworker can significantly reduce your mental load and stress you didn’t know was creeping up on you. Here are some other ways you can reduce your mental load at home.
If you are struggling to create a designated workspace in your home, we can help. Don’t let a small space limit you to the possibilities of a functional home office. We know there is great potential there!
We can accommodate for online video consultations. Call us today!
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P: (403) 255-8234